Our unique CAD/CAM system has been selected under the Gunma Prefecture One Company One Technology recognition system.
We take receipt of your product plans or data and reproduce your designs on our CAD/CAM system. Information for product orders is fed into our unique production management system by material sheet thickness and creates instructions for the preparation of the paper tape for each cutting machine. These instructions are then entered into the CAM system for automatic nesting. Nesting data can be created for parts ranging from 2.3t – 120t based on the cutting machine, be it laser, gas or plasma, and on the job requirements. A shared line function can also be used to maximize material yield. Once the nesting data has been created, the cutting order is set using automatic sequencing and an NC data program is created before the material is ready for the cutting process.

CAD data
Customer CAD data is used.
Nesting is performed automatically.
Cutting order is created automatically.
CAD/CAM Network
The internal network links the CAD/CAM system with the NC cutting machines (gas, laser, plasma) down on the floor. NC data is sent directly from the CAD/CAM system allowing for real time production. It is also possible to share CAD/CAM data and NC data between group companies, making it possible to create data for NC cutting machines anywhere in the world. Using the Internet, we have already succeeded in integrating data, improving product quality and increasing CAD/CAM system operating efficiency by allowing the creation of specific NC data for each base among group companies.