Production Management
Shorter lead times with a fully made-to-order production system.
Production instructions can be issued at each production process based on order data through the use of our production management system. Production instructions are distributed to each production process and machine and optimum lead times are issued on automatic settings making it possible to accommodate tight production schedules and high-mix low-volume production. Automatic settings for optimum lead times also make it possible to achieve a fully made-to-order production system and keep inventory to a minimum.

Outsourcing/Procurement Management
Significant reduction in labor with a fully automated ordering system.
Customer order information and internal information is used to identify individual parts and calculate quantities required from suppliers. The order lead time for each supplier is coupled with the required number, inventory, and back-order information to perform an automatic inventory reservation. An operator confirms the details against the inventory reservation and finalizes the order. By setting optimum lead times, stagnant inventory can be kept to a minimum, even for products using items produced in internal processes and ordered from subcontractors.